Annie Jean Hurst

Annie Jean (Jean)
23/09/1927 – 29/10/2021
Resting in Jesus
Dearly loved mother of; Susan & Frank, Wayne,
Daryl & Helen and Gavin & Julie
Loving grandmother of; Andrew, Damien (dec), Lachlan,
Nathan, Luke, Leah, Kerrin, Shannon, Jade, Ebony
Loving great grandmother of; Grayson, Pippa, Lennox, Elijah,
Amahlia, Airlie, Tai, Nate, Marli, Kai, Emily, Jordan, Tyler,
Eleanor, Oscar, Riley, Illyana
Jean’s ninety-four years have been well lived with joys and sorrows,
and now she awaits the resurrection.
Jesus said in John 11:25-26:
“I am the resurrection and the life.
he one who believes in me will live,
even though they die;
and whoever lives by believing in me
will never die.”
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