Glenyse Joy Thornell (née Gaylor)

Born on October 1, 1950. Passed away January 9, 2025.
Tributes Leave your tribute
  1. With heavy hearts we say farewell to our dear friend Glenys. You will be missed by all. Thankyou for our friendship.
    Deepest sympathy to the family, Norm , and family.
    Arthur , Marie & Family.

    Marie White January 22 2025
  2. Yellowstone Lady.
    Although we only knew you for a few years, you’ve left a hole in our hearts that no one can fill. Rest gently Glenyse. May your soul watch over us always xx
    Love Amr & Heather xx

    Amr January 24 2025
  3. With a heavy heart I say goodbye to a loving sister-in-law may you fly high Glenyse. Reunited with your mum, dad and brother’s I will miss your little popins and our chats.
    Rest easy now love Fiona ❤️ xx

    Fiona Gaylor January 24 2025
  4. Glenyse,
    Thank you for all your support and love during my childhood. Thank you for accepting me into your home and thank you for the guidance and wisdom you shared.

    I will cherish my childhood memories out in Linton with you for the rest of my life.

    Ebony xx

    Ebony January 24 2025

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