Kathryn Mary Cornish (née McGuigan)

Born on March 12, 1957. Passed away January 27, 2025.
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  1. Dear Max and family/families,
    So very sorry for your loss of Kaye. She loved life and was taken from you all much too soon.
    We are thinking of you and are in our prayers.

    Ann and Michael Edgar February 2 2025
  2. Dear Max Matthew Luke Corienne and families, Marg Noel & family and all the McGuigan families

    We are so saddened to learn of Kaye’s passing. Our sincere and deepest sympathy to you all.

    We have such wonderful memories of hanging out together for over 50 years. So much fun to be had and Kaye was a very respected friend and great company.

    We first became friends through netball matches every Sunday during winter at Bungaree. We became avid followers of Dunnstown football club, Ballarat Redan Cricket club and Navigator Tennis club attending club social events.

    Saturday night at the “Cri” was a given and finding out where “The Party” was – this resulted in some very late/early morning Saturday nights. We have many great memories of beach visits, birthday celebrations, camping trips and general socialising – always fun with Kaye amongst us.

    Fond thoughts of you Kaye. You will be greatly missed. RIP.

    Our love to all Kaye’s family – Ree Trevor & family

    Ree February 3 2025
  3. In Loving Memory of my Beautiful Nan
    Of all the special gifts in life . However great or small,
    To have you as my nan
    Was the greatest gift of them all

    May the winds of love blow softly
    And whisper in our ears
    We love and miss you Nan
    And wish you where here ‘
    You are the twinkle in my eye

    Deep in our hearts ,
    your life is kept to love and cherish , not forget
    No more tomorrow we can share
    But yesterdays are always there
    A silent thought, a secret tear
    Keeps your memory ever near
    For ever in our hearts
    Miss you for ever and ever my beautiful Nan
    Taken to soon but will never be forgotten
    Love bubba

    Kirsty February 3 2025
  4. In Loving Memory of my Beautiful Nan
    Of all the special gifts in life . However great or small,
    To have you as my nan
    Was the greatest gift of them all

    May the winds of love blow softly
    And whisper in our ears
    We love and miss you Nan
    And wish you where here ‘
    You are the twinkle in my eye

    Deep in our hearts ,
    your life is kept to love and cherish , not forget
    No more tomorrow we can share
    But yesterdays are always there
    A silent thought, a secret tear
    Keeps your memory ever near
    For ever in our hearts
    Miss you for ever and ever my beautiful Nan
    Taken to soon but will never be forgotten
    Love bubba

    Emma-lee February 3 2025
  5. Thinking of you all, such a wonderful person taken to soon
    Love Chong xx

    Susanne Wade February 4 2025
  6. Dear Max & family sorry on the loss of kay she was just a beautiful lady she gave one hell of a fight to say here with her family as long as she could and she will be dearly missed by all that had the pleasure in knowing her my she for ever rest in peace

    Justine & Jason February 4 2025
  7. Max,Matt,Coz and Luke and families my heart goes out to you all ,I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    I have many fun and happy memories of spending time with Kaye fishing,drinking and laughing,I feel so blessed to have shared those fun times with Kaye and our other buddy Carolyn.
    Keep rocking to Creedence Kaye you will be missed so much ,RIP my friend.
    Love Sheryl 🤍🌸🤍

    Sheryl Scholte February 5 2025
  8. To Dear Max and Family.
    So sorry for the loss of Kaye. She was a kind and gentle soul. We had so many great and funny weekends at Laanecoorie. RIP Kaye

    Mary and Glen Mckechnie February 5 2025

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