Bill William John Radley

Born on April 24, 1928. Passed away July 14, 2023.

Those hands were never idle.
They were strong.
They fixed.
They held.
They welded.
They built.
They tinkered.
They were worn.
Those hands were happy working.
They were clever hands,
And now….they rest.

Tributes Leave your tribute
  1. Our beloved Bill may not be here
    However he has not gone
    He is in our hearts now
    Where he will remain

    Shed a tear if you need
    Remember we are family and friends
    Share the memories, the joy, the laughs
    And don’t let them end

    Bill had a long and good life
    And was grateful for all that he had

    May he rest in peace.

    Ian Radley July 21 2023
  2. Rest in peace helped so many..your kindness will not be forgotten …your work on earth is done

    Marg Pitman

    Marg Pitman July 21 2023
  3. Loved dad of Peter and Wendy
    Your DNA lives on through your 5 sons …All are chips off the old block!

    Peter and Wendy Radley July 21 2023
  4. Pop,
    You will forever be one of my favourite people. We were so lucky to have you in our lives and for so long.
    I never felt the 53 year age gap between us as we talked and argued about finance, politics and what was happening in the world.
    The Radley traits live on in us, and we will cherish the memories we have with you.
    You were so proud to be a great grandfather and Nova and Elvie just adored you.
    Love always,
    Leanne, Nova and Elvie

    Leanne Radley July 22 2023
  5. Bill- a man of wisdom and integrity who was always on the go doing some job or project.

    A self confessed ‘ yapper ‘ you were always up for a chat or a debate and often lamented that things were not as good as they were in former years. The world was a far better place having you grace it . Rest in peace Boss.


    Roger Castleman July 25 2023
  6. Bill,
    I had the pleasure to meet you through Ian and Tahlia.
    I will remember how welcoming and kind you were, I’ll miss hearing your stories.
    They say it’s hard to forget someone who gave so much to remember. You are gone but never forgotten Bill.
    Rest in peace

    Steven Churcher July 27 2023
  7. Bill was a terrific mentor in my youth, he probably kept me out of jail. Wonderful memories of one of the most wonderful men who ever graced this earth. Thank you Bill for all you did for me 50 plus years ago. Always loved and always will be remembered. Forever grateful for his contribution to my life. Andrew Alstin

    Andrew Alstin July 28 2023
  8. Pop,
    You were the centre of our family, the person we all gravitated around and the one who kept us together.
    You gave us all love and support, filled us with your wisdom and incredible stories of your life.
    With your passing we lost that centre but our memories of you will never fade and will continue to hold us together.
    You are already greatly missed.
    Love always,

    Tahlia July 28 2023
  9. Bill, I met you when you and Claire came into the cafe at Formosa nursery. It was a lovely surprise to find out you knew my family from cavendish. I would always look forward to seeing you when you popped in for coffee and lunch.
    You were always so kind and always had a story to tell.
    I feel very honoured to have met you.
    Rest in peace.

    Narelle Cooper (Hardy) July 30 2023

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